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Failure as a Turning Point in the Digital World

July 20, 2023

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Online Journas and blogging are ways by which people express their thoughts freely. logging became much easier and more popular among people who have an idea worth sharing and want to represent their activities, thoughts, or beliefs. 

Moreover, digitalizing the blogging experience expanded how people perceive each other’s opinions and thoughts and opened a new gate for development, expansion, and making money in some cases. 

#The Back Story! 

Journas, founded in 2013, is an online blogging platform that aims to create a freestyle space for talents worldwide on the internet to share their thoughts and express themselves freely. Journas developed an idea by which bloggers can get constructive feedback on the content’s quality and importance by letting others vote and opening a fair discussion on the content. 

This idea created a way by which quality content can gain higher exposure through the readers’ voting and gave content writers and bloggers the self-confidence to continue sharing their experiences on the platform. 

#The Challenge!  

Continuous development requires support and understanding of your vision to help you achieve your goals and objectives. Back then, the idea was worth spreading on social media, and expansion was crucial for Journas to start gathering content writers and bloggers worldwide. 

However, Journas faced some challenges that most startups face in their early stages, including; access to qualified calibers who understand their business, high-Quality deliverables, communication issues, and late deliveries. 

After careful consideration, they started evaluating options like hiring freelancers and building an in-house team, but those solutions were never cost-effective or timely. Those solutions created severe challenges that did not solve the problem. 


The journey was never easy; the idea started in 2013, intending to reshape the journalism industry. The situation was challenging, and the idea could not stand a lot against failure. However, sometimes failure works like magic in introducing creative solutions to a challenge. 

After analyzing the key drawbacks, conducting serious industry research, and after 5 years after ending Journas’s journey in 2015, it was time to introduce a business-changing solution. One of the Journas’s supporters was capable enough to evaluate the situation and develop an idea that went beyond the challenges faced. 

#The Solution!

In 2020, AD Arms was introduced to the digital world, aiming to provide creative, customized digital solutions that support emerging ideas in a creative, knowledgeable, and systematic manner that suits the industry they are trying to penetrate.

Asem Darwish, AD Arms founder and one of Journas’s supporters, invested his 10 years of experience in digital marketing, media, and journalism into creating a business model that is dynamic enough to change businesses on the ground. 

The team behind AD Arms was efficient and dedicated enough to prove their capabilities in the market, the growth was remarkable, and the growth was phenomenal! By acquiring diverse clients across the MENA region -including Freezoner– and introducing customized, creative solutions, the company created a golden recipe that went from strength to strength. 

#It went from strength to strength! 

In 2022, after creating exceptional results with Freezoner, a big step took place, and Freezoner acquired AD Arms to become Freezoner360. Your all-in-one digital platform. A year was memorable enough for AD Arms to reserve its spot as a successful startup and become a sister company for Freezoner. 

We believe that our strength lies in exploring different markets and implementing diverse marketing tactics. This is why we have been introducing marketing and developmental support to different company sizes, including startups.