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Increase Your Sales by 3x Using Video Marketing

July 20, 2023

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Videos have been taking over all social media platforms in the last two years. People are expecting real human connection and enjoy consuming videos of their favorite influencers and interacting with the brands they love. Videos play a vital role in the sales process, especially in the e-commerce industry. 

Videos humanize the experience in every aspect of the buyer’s journey, enabling building meaningful relationships and engaging with prospective clients. A HubSpot study has shown that 86% of the businesses are leveraging video marketing as a sales and marketing tool, and 81% of the marketers reported realizing increased positive ROI on the sales from the videos.

Types of Videos that Boost Sales

Videos are no longer only available on Youtube; while it remains the most viewed platform, videos on LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook reach more prospective clients on their preferred social media. Different types of videos can be used in diverse channels and for various purposes during the sales journey. 

Most of the common video types that are great for online sales and e-commerce are:

  • Product demos: Demo videos are a compelling method to communicate a product’s value to prospective clients, and it illustrates how a product functions and tests it in action.
  • Explainer videos: are one of the most common types of videos used on websites and landing pages. The short videos are used to highlight what the business offers from products or services in a captivating efficient way. 
  • Sales videos are 1:1 videos used by sales personnel to create a personal connection with the client and demonstrate the product’s value proposition while conveying important information.
  • Teaser videos: a great tool to be widely used on social media to generate buzz and spread awareness about new products. 
  • Video testimonials: this type of testimonials is more credible to new clients, as they can see the client’s reactions telling their positive experience with your business. 
  • Social Media videos: these are widely used nowadays, especially for consumer products or services, as they directly reach the target audience. It can be live videos, product reviews by influencers, or user-generated videos from customers.

The power of videos

Videos on social media are an excellent way to generate engagement and spark conversations on social media. People love to watch videos, interact with them, and share them with their networks. 

Videos also decrease the bounce rate and increase time spent on landing pages and websites promoting possible actions on the website. This also impacts the website quality for Google and eventually helps drive more organic traffic to websites.

Some interesting statistics from Wordstream have shown the following:

  • Social Media video generates 1200% more shares than any type of content combined.
  • 96% of clients watch at least one explainer video to learn more about a product or service before purchasing it.
  • 62% of people watch a product review video before making a purchase decision.
  • After watching a user-generated video, consumers who visit an e-commerce website are 184% more likely to purchase and spend 45% more.
  • 1 in 4 consumers has purchased a product after seeing a story on Instagram.

How to Start Implementing Video Marketing?

Now you know how important is a video in increasing your sales and driving more traffic; there are a few steps you need to do to start incorporating videos into your overall strategy.

Identify your audience

First, you need to identify who is your target audience and gather insights into them. Take into consideration what channels these people use to view video content and the types of videos they consume. You will also need to create videos that speak directly to your target audience and engage with them.

Identify your video goals

Next, you need to identify what are your video goals. This is a critical step in creating suitable videos, whether you want to drive leads, boost engagement or increase brand awareness. Each goal requires a different type of video, messaging, and length.

Finally video production, you need first to create a storyboard, set a budget, and hire a videographer. F360 offers comprehensive video production packages that can eliminate all the hassle, and deliver you highly creative videos.

If you are ready to boost your sales and increase your social media engagement. Try our Video Production service to ensure getting quality videos for your social media, website, and ad campaigns. Our team offers different types of videos, including motion graphics videos.